Sunday, October 6, 2024

Reality Changes

Corporations are persons, so they have character. We vote for president based on character, so we should vote against corporations based on character. If we don't like a corporation, because it pays its CEO too much, for example, the electorate should choose to put it out of business. But you don't trust the electorate, so we are doomed.

"Corporations are not persons, they are an instrument for avoiding risk, like insurance."

If an individual tried to do what corporations get away with, they would not be allowed to use money. I'm saying if a corporation has externalities or products we don't like, the only recourse is to vote it out of business. We can't trust representatives to micro manage which companies get to exist, so we need to vote the most notorious out of business on a regular schedule. Then, much like persons would, corporations would take responsibility to preserve their existence.

"That's not how voting, money or businesses work. I think you might be asking for better regulation of corporations, but it is obvious that you're confused."

Yes, I'm confused by economic conservatives. Why are you that way? Regulation, nationalization, and restrictions are fine, but to make corporations responsible, we have to eliminate some stocks, not just restrict some flows.

"I would regulate corporations by making them illegal, which most people wouldn't consider conservative economically. Maybe try to understand the meanings of the buzzwords you are tossing about, preferably before you offend someone less forgiving than myself."

Yes, make one of them illegal, but why use the regulate buzzword? Be forgiving of yourself, accept that reality changes, and allow one of your sacred cow corporations to be sacrificed. It has to be an executive order or initiative, not a law, because laws apply to all corporations equally, which means they don't put any of them out of business. Once voters realize how beneficial to the economy eliminating an irresponsible company is, we will have to put it up to the voters directly with online voting or something.

Monday, September 23, 2024


 YouTube is different from other social media. One had 50000 comments after 3 days? I'm not convinced the algorithm is being honest about that, but it's true, back and forth is less common, not only because of the number of responses, but also because YouTube limits number of response to 3. Anyway, putting thoughts into words in a context is as important as argument. The post in question was an argument, 20 MAGAts vs 1 student younger than any of the MAGAts. It was respectful because of the 1 debater's discipline. The last interchange was about abortion, and these are my thoughts.

I like the idea of consciousness, but I like breathing more. Everyone likes different things, but to define life, mothers rule. Fine if the evoluture is breathing, the mother can't stop that, but before that, it is up to the mother as to when life begins. Probably, the poor will define it later than the rich, unless they are ElonTrump level of anti-life, but fix that with better unemployment benefits. I value motherhood, but I also value other things people do when they are unemployed, as much as art and science.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Economic Conservatives

 Economic conservatives are the worst. Even they admit social conservatives are bad. Why should we let the hide behind the economy? Conservatives are that way because of their biological imperative to hurt others. By hurting others, they believe they are advantaging their selfish genes. I believe the genome is more complex than that. Genocide hurts us all. Economy conservatives defend weapons manufacturers that propagandize entire populations such as Israel into genocidal paranoia. Am I to believe the economic conservative’s self delusion that consumer demand washes all blame from companies whose primary contribution to the economy is the Keeling curve? No, the economy is what it produces, and preventing it from changing is the most harmful thing we could do. Economic conservatives are the worst.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Social Media

 I do think social media has different emergent properties from other forms of communication. Of course, being booted off of it prejudices me against it. But I think a completely different approach might make it constructive. In that way it is the same as everything else; change is not only the only constant; change is the only hope; growth has sufficed til now, but now we are doomed without change. The change I propose for social media is to make it more contextual, and less like call and response. My experience was that any departure from conformity elicited insults. Call and response in real life can be fine, especially when it is spontaneous. I imagine religious call and response is bad, because of pedagogy, or whatever. I think protest call and response is fine in a protest march, since it is just for fun. But call and response in social media isolates users into bubbles, and subjects those that cannot be classified into bubbles to insults. It is the rules of social media that make it toxic. Open source social media imitates the rules of corporate social media, so it is equally toxic. There simply hasn't been time for new rules to be invented by those working on it in their spare time, and those doing it professionally are too busy refining the existing rules to make any new ones. My obsession with an as yet non-mathematical abstraction, forces me to imagine what I suspect would be different rules. Instead of calls for conformist responses by those with lots of followers, how about facet decorations hidden except in specific context. Ideally, context would be the point; taking a decoration out of context would be meaningless, because the new context it was put into would overwhelm the context it was taken from. Whether someone invites discussion in a context, or rejects disagreement in a context, would be as important as the decoration that elicited the discussion or disagreement. It is not possible to lie if the mode of expression is permission or rejection of response. It is only through the rules of communication that people can lie. Written and spoken words can be untrue, because of syntax. Social media calls for response, are even easier to use for disinformation, because the rules of social media are presently geared that way. I think shifting from call and response rules to context rules would decrease disinformation. At any rate, anything would be better than growth of social media without changing its rules, same as anything would be better than growth of the economy without changing what it produces.