Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Balanced Individualism

 That’s my ideology. Market fundamentalism is hyper collectivism. It is the hyper part of market fundamentalism that allows it to mischaracterize itself as individualism. Hyper individualism would frown upon frowning upon individuals, despite the hypocrisy. Market fundamentalism frowns upon frowning upon collectives, aka corporations in the USA. Balanced individualism frowns upon frowning with teeth upon individuals, smiles in general upon frowning without teeth and smiling without teeth, frowns upon smiling with teeth upon collectives, and smiles upon frowning with teeth upon collectives. Thus balanced individualism affords greater freedom than market fundamentalism, and is more sustainable because collectives form spontaneously. Both individuals and collectives can pollute. Both the tire noise produced by fossil fuel collectives, and the public conversation noise produced by individuals are pollution. Car tire noise is reduced by frowning with teeth against fossil fuel collectives, and social conversation noise is reduced by frowning without teeth against disrespectful individuals. In this analogy, teeth means voting. So, balanced individualism is not populism, because a majority voting against the existence of one collective does not prevent a minority voting against the existence of another collective. The effectiveness of disbanding a collective positively correlates with its morality.