Friday, May 17, 2019


I’m not convinced RBF would have designed domes the way they are commonly designed. Usually, they are designed to minimize the number of piece sizes, and to minimize the thickness of the dome surface. In contrast, RBF disparaged not only cartesian coordinates, but also classical emphasis upon regularity. Classical regularity is great (group theory is all about regularity), but I find irregularity easier to design. Simply choose random planes, and make a dome from the facets between the inside and outside of the space. Such a dome would have a thick surface in which humans could live, leaving the inside of the dome for plants and animals.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Every region in a roundspace has an opposite and is not peripheral. Producing a roundspace from a space is easy, and results in boundaries through a center point. The boundaries through the center point map to points on a section plane in the cospace. Sections of the roundspace are great circles formed by planes through the center point. Vertices in the roundspace have diameters through the center which map to subvertices in the cospace section. The cospace section has boundaries mapped to vertices in the roundspace. By adding an equator plane to the roundspace, the cospace section has one region per roundspace section. The cospace section has peripheral regions. Thus depending on roundspace rotation, there are special sections in the space, corresponding to peripheral regions in the cospace section.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


I’m curious what thoughts others would have while reading Kathryn Yusoff. Whites were the ones that killed the Neanderthals. Other races killed species, but were not killed by species. The survivors of the battle with Neanderthals were the most ruthless ones. Thus, whites built castles to lord it over peasants. Thus whites built ships to lord it over nonwhites. Thus whites built mines to lord it over nonhumans. Thus whites built corporations to lord it over nonvalues. Conservative character building is not enough. Liberal supplication (case in point) is not enough. To break the wheel, the dragon queen needs nonwhite values, nonwhite grades, nonwhite supporters, nonwhite language, nonwhite identity, nonwhite vitality, nonwhite technology, and nonwhite geography.